How to Optimize Your Online Presence


It seems like everyone with even the smallest hint of a business idea these days has a website for it. Whether you view the rise of digital services and the downfall of physical commerce a good thing or a bad thing, this change is something you must embrace in order to make the most out of your company. The competition is larger than ever before and, while you may have a grasp of marketing techniques and web design, the digital landscape is ever-changing, and it’s important to learn some basic essential skills. Here are some areas for you to explore so you can optimize your online presence and give your business the attention it deserves.

How to Optimize Your Online Presence

Relevant Social Media

Almost the entire world has some form of connection to a social media site. Social media pages are excellent for not only individuals but also businesses to promote their online presence and bring awareness of their brand to a vast number of people at any given time. However, just because you have a company account on every social media site does not mean you are making the most of your online presence.

Wasting time and resources on marketing your company through a social media channel that doesn’t connect with your target demographic can prove a fatal error in the long run. Do your research about what demographic enjoy which social media sites the most and draw comparisons between that information and your business’ target market. For example, if you offer a service targeted at younger generations, then choosing Facebook as your main social media channel won’t attract as many potential customers as using more appropriate channels such as Twitter and Instagram.

Understanding Preferences

Not only will your target demographic have unique preferences that will guide the way you build your business, but so will Google. Much like a quality store on an unpopular street is risking fewer customers due to location, your website must be aware of its standing with almighty Google. Do some research into what changes you can make and what you should keep the same in order to push your business higher in the rankings and be seen by more people.


Honesty is the best policy. This goes for both online and offline business practices. We live in an age where everyone has heard horror stories of corporate scams and misleading information causing trusting customers to lose money and faith. This has brought about the need for businesses to approach their potential customers with a balance between showing off the best side of your company without setting themselves up for future scandal through subtle dishonesty. A reliable business will gain more returning customers.

Be upfront about what you can and cannot offer. Your online presence should maintain this brand honesty with easy to understand pages on your website and a clear mission statement that your customers can get behind. Don’t try to cater to everyone – you will end up disappointing them all, including your target market.

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